⭐️WINNER 03.09.24⭐️ 🏆HAWORTH STAR ran well at Newcastle to win under Oisin Orr! 🏆Congratulations to Mena for the winning lead up and to Richard Fahey Ebor Racing Club Ltd 👏
🌟WINNER 29.08.24🌟 🏆MYSTICAL MARIA got into the winners enclosure at Carlisle! 🏆Congratulations to Jack Garritty on the winning ride, Josh for the winning lead up and her owners P D...
💫WINNER 28.08.24💫 🏆LOVELY SPIRIT got her head in front at Musselburgh last week for the team ! 🏆Congratulations to Oisin Orr on the winning ride, Joey for the winning lead...
🏆WINNER 18.08.24🏆 💫POWERFUL GLORY got his head in front on his debut at Pontefract under Oisin Orr. Congratulations to Eireann on the winning lead up and his owner Sheikh Rashid...
💫WINNER 17.08.24💫 🏆DARE TO HOPE got his head in front at Ripon under Oisin Orr! Congratulations to Jalam on the winning lead up & to his owners Let’s Go Racing!...
🏆WINNER 15.08.24🏆 ⭐️LIFE ON THE ROCKS ran a competitive race at Windsor to take the win under Cam Hardie! Congratulations to his owner Aidan Ryan & Jessie for the winning...